Viscometer SVM 3000, Stabinger Viscometr, Anton Paar (Austria), 2013
Designed to measure dynamic viscosity, viscosity index and density of petroleum products
Measuring range:
- Dynamic viscosity, mPa·s 0.2-104;
- Kinematic viscosity, mm2/s 0.2-104; density, kg/m3 650-2000

Rheoviscometer Rheolab QC, Anton Paar (Austria), 2013
To determine the kinematic and dynamic viscosity of liquids
- Rotational speeds from 0.01 to 1200 rpm;
- Shear stress from 0.5 to 3·104 Pa;
- Shear rate from 0.01 to 4000 s‑¹;
- Viscosity from 1 to 109 mPa*s;
- Temperatures from -20 to 180°C.

DVE Viscometer, Brookfield (USA), 2022
To determine the kinematic and dynamic viscosity of liquids and gels
- Rotational speeds, rpm: from 0.3 to 100;
- Viscosity range, cP (mPa·s): 1 – 2 M;
- Spring torque mN∙m: 0,0673

Dynamic laser light scattering Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS 90 (UK), 2013
To determine the size of colloid particles and dispersions and zeta potential
- The particle size is 1.0 nm–3.0 μm;
- The particle size for the zeta potential is 5.0 nm–10 μm.

Differential-scanning calorimeter DSC131 EVO Setaram (France), 2013
To determine phase transitions and thermodynamic characteristics of solids and liquid samples
- Temperature from -170 to 700ºC;
- 0.01 to 100°C/min;
- Crucibles with a capacity of 30-100 μl;
- Pressure: up to 500 bar;
- Noise level RMS: 1.5 μW;
- Resolution: 0.8 μW.

UV and visible spectrometer Specord 210 plus BU (Germany), 2012
To determine the absorption spectra of liquid samples in the UV and visible regions
- Absorption spectra from 200 to 400 nm and from 400 to 800 nm.

Differential Thermal Analyzer (DTA), Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA), DSC, 2013
Determination of the thermal characteristics of solid and liquid samples
- Measurement range +/- 1000 mg or +/- 200 mg with a resolution of 0.2 μg or 0.02 μg;
- A furnace with a metal resistor and a temperature range from room temperature to 1600°C at a speed of scanning from 0.01 to 100°C/min.

IR-Fourier spectrometer Carry 660 Agilent (USA), 2013
To verify product quality and identify unknown samples
- Type of interferometer 38 mm 60 interferometer;
- Spectral range (cm-1): 7900-375;
- Signal-to-noise ratio — 10000 : 1;
- Integration time — 5 seconds;
- rp (4.3 x 10-5 A).

Texture / Mechanical Analyzer TA.XTplus Stable Micro Systems (UK), 2014
Analysis of mechanical properties of polymer materials
- Power capacity: 50 kgf (500N);
- Resolution by force: 0,1 g;
- Loading cells: 0,5, 5, 30, 50 kgf;
- Speed range: 0,01 – 40 mm / s;
- Maximum working area length: 370 mm / 590 mm;
- Precision: 0.001 mm.

Conductometer S230 SevenCompact Mettler Toledo (Switzerland), 2014
Universal instrument for measuring electrical conductivity, as well as the level of salinity, resistivity and ash content
- The range of EPS is 0.001 μS / cm -1000 mS / cm;
- Accuracy +/- 0.5%;
- Temperature range ° C: -30.0 – 130.0;
- Temperature resolution, ° C 0.1;
- Temperature measurement accuracy, ± 0.1;
- Total salt content range 0.00 mg / L – 1000g / L;
- The range of salt content is 0.00 – 80.00 psu.

Bante210 Benchtop pH Meter (China), 2022
Classical benchtop pH meter for routine measurements and quality controls, 1 to 3 points calibration, Automatic Temperature Compensation
- pH range: -1.00 to 15.00;
- Accuracy, pH: +/- 0.01;
- Resolution, pH: 0.01;
- mV range: -1999 to 1999 mV;
- Accuracy, mV: +/- 1;
- Resolution, mV: 1

Automatic Titrator 905 Titrando Metrohm (Switzerland), 2013
Automatic titrator 905 Titrando can solve any problem of automatic potentiometric titration
- Titration to the end point (SET);
- Monotonic titration to the point of equivalence (MET);
- Dynamic titration to the point of equivalence (DET);
- Measurement with ion-selective electrodes;
- Touch-and-Go – titration by pressing one button;
- iTrodes – intelligent electrodes with automatic recognition when connected to a titrator;
- Wide possibilities of automation of titration and sample preparation.

Modular conductivity meter 856 Conductivity Module Metrohm (Switzerland), 2013
A professional modular conductivity meter 856 Conductivity Module meets all the requirements of GLP and FDA
- Conductivity, measuring range 0 – 500 mS;
- Conductivity, resolution of 4 significant decimal places
- Conductivity, measurement error Range 1..5 μS: ± 1%; ± 1 digit; Range 5..50 μS: ± 0,5%; ± 1 digit; Range 50..500 μS: ± 0,5%; ± 1 digit; Range 0.5..5 mSm: ± 0.5%; ± 1 digit; Range 5..50 mSm: ± 0.5%; ± 1 digit; Range 50..500 mSm: ± 1%; ± 1 digit;
- Temperature, measuring range -40°C – +150°C
- Temperature, resolution 0.1°C,
- Temperature, measurement error ± 0.2°C.

Power Tensiometer CT-1, 2015
To measure surface and interfacial tension by the methods of Wilhelmi plate and tearing off the ring. The container with the test liquid is brought into contact with the plate or ring, then lowered and the maximum tearing force is fixed.
- Surface tension measurement range 1-1000 mN / m;
- Surface tension measurement accuracy ± 0.1 mN / m;
- Weight measurement frequency 1 Hz.

Rotary Sprayer ND-DC Dip Coater Nadatech (Spain), 2015
For coating applications by immersion in solution / solvent
- Working height – 90 mm;
- Angle of rotation – 360°;
- Minimum immersion speed – 0.6 mm / min;
- Maximum immersion speed – 2400 mm / min.

Rotary evaporator RV 10 basic V IKA (Germany), 2014
For the distillation of solvents from round-bottomed flasks of different volumes
- Vertical сondenser;
- Cooling surface 1500 cm2;
- Drive type — Direct current;
- Torque range: 20 – 280 rpm;
- Variable direction (switchable) – yes;
- Lifting Engine;
- Raising -140 mm;
- Temperature range – r.t. – 180 ° C;
- Heating power — 1300 W;
- Fluctuation of heating temperatures, 5 ± K;
- Useful max. volume of the bath 3 L.

Viscotek GPC / SEC systems Malvern gel permeation chromatograph (UK), 2013
Determination of the molecular weight of polymer materials in solution
- The modular design of the device allows to flexibly configure the GPC system for specific tasks.

Incident light microscope Nikon ECLIPSE LV150N (Japan), 2013
Microscopic examination of samples
- The size of the working table – 150 * 150 mm;
- Eyepieces – x20, x50, x100;
- Video camera 5 megapixel.

Polarization Microscope BApol310 Motic (France), 2015
Microscopic examination of samples
- The size of the working table – 150 * 150 mm;
- Eyepieces – x20, x50, x100;
- Video camera 5 megapixel.

Thermostatic holder for the Linkam LTS 120 microscope, 2015
Sample temperature control
- Temperature -25 – 120 ° С;
- Heating rate 0,1 – 30 ° С / min.